It is with great pleasure and thanks that I welcome all of you to this first post on a finally re-designed website.
To start, I wish to thank my brother Marc for all the work and assistance he has given me in getting this up and running. If anyone is in need of an excellent programmer and designer, feel free to get in touch and I will connect you. As well, I’d like to thank all the friends and other people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting over the years for their support and encouragement, it is greatly appreciated.
My hope for the site is to showcase some of my work in various galleries, to offer an avenue for the purchasing of products, such as prints, and finally to use the blog section as a general ‘discussion’ area. Here I hope to discuss different aspects of photography, techniques, and at times go ‘behind the scenes’ of an image for greater analysis.
I will endeavor to let you know a little more about myself and my thoughts and feelings about nature photography and nature itself.
It is and will continue to be a work in progress. I haven’t uploaded all that much yet, but expect galleries to evolve and change over time with semi-regular updates to the site.
Thank you for joining me on this journey, I truly hope you enjoy the images and I welcome feedback and constructive input.
Regards, Rick
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